In this article we will teach you how to resolve wordpress cURL Error 60: SSL Certificate Problem.
First of all this error 60 arise when you move your website from one server to other server. Or if your website certificate changes or expired.
So, to resolve this error there are two methods
Method 1: Create Certificate File in your WordPress
First create a directory certificates in wp-includes directory and under certificates directory create file ca-bundle.crt. So your final path would be website_root_path/wp-includes/certificates/ca-bundle.crt. Now in file ca-bundle.crt add the content of your SSL certificate bundle file. And you can get SSL certificate bundle file after downloading SSL certificate from your CPANEL or SSL Certificate issuer website.
Method 2: Replace your WordPress core files
First of all download your WordPress Latest Version from WordPress website. Now upload and replace downloaded wordpress to your CPANEL or hosting file manager. Then open your wp-config.php file and edit the database credentials with your old database credentials. Like DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST, DB_CHARSET, DB_COLLATE, AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY, NONCE_KEY, AUTH_SALT, SECURE_AUTH_SALT, LOGGED_IN_SALT, NONCE_SALT, $table_prefix.
After this open your website’s url in browser. And you will see wordpress button UPDATE DATABASE or an option for update database. Then proceed for update database when database update complete. Login in to your wordpress dashboard and activate your old theme and plugins. That’s it your curl error 60 SSL Certificate problem is resolved.
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