Types of Storage For React

Storing data is always an essential part for all application. The storage can be a local or server storage. Here we will discuss about the types of storage for react.

Async Storage in React

It is also knowns a built-in or localStorage. Storage stays local to the device like in browser or mobile’s native storage location. The storage is deleted when you clean device’s storage or browser’s storage. Data available locally is unencrypted but we can apply some security options. It should be use as part of your device’s backups and persists during upgrades.

SQLite Storage in React

This gives us an SQL-like experience, with compressible databases that can also be transmitted to and from the device. This can be use as localStorage or Backend Storage. Data is stored in traditional database format with databases, tables, keys, indices, etc. all saved to disk in a binary format. Here Data is accessible through SQLite drivers.

Firebase Storage in React

Firebase is a real time noSQL database along with a JSON document store (like MongoDB). We can keep from 1 to n number of documents synchronized. It is also useful to communicate data in our applications in real-time. You can read in detail here about react native firebase.

Couchbase Storage in React

Couchbase is mostly using in mobile and IoT apps. But it is also an option for your react apps storage including built-in real-time data synchronization, enterprise-level security, and data integration. You can read about Couchbase React here.

MongoDB Storage in React

We can use this server side for data of the app that uses AsyncStorage locally. In MongoDB everything stores as JSON objects, making transmission to the devices very straightforward. It can be use as cache between devices or service provider or server. There is no hard structure to the data, like a schema or SQL, so every object is stores as a “document” that is easily searchable, filterable, etc. Similar JSON objects could have additional or different attributes or child objects, allowing for a lot of flexibility.

So, these are the some types of storage for react.


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