Creating Own PHP Helpers in a Laravel Project

Laravel has variety of global “helper” functions. We are free to use them in our own applications like app_path, ucfirst, auth, env etc. We can also define our own set of helper functions for Laravel applications and PHP packages. And …

How to use MongoDB in Laravel

In MySQL Database we stores the records in the form of rows and tables. But we need to define the structure of table and columns before inserting records. MySQL is quite slow in comparison to MongoDB while dealing with large …

Download Resumes For Laravel Developer

If you want to apply for a Job Profile of Laravel Developer. Then you should consider some roles and working tasks under different levels of Experience. Here you can download resumes for Laravel Developer Job. Levels of Experience in Laravel …

How to Optimize Database Queries in Laravel?

Some times to run larger laravel applications smoothly we needs to optimize our laravel application. One of these tasks here is how to optimize database queries in laravel. Methods to Optimize Database Queries in Laravel Retrieving Large Data Records Option …

How to Install Laravel 8?

Laravel is a Free, Open-Source PHP Web Framework created by Taylor Otwell. Laravel is used to Create Dynamic Web Applications following the MVC(Model View Controller) Architecture. There are some famous applications built on Laravel like Koel, Flarum etc. In this …