In this article we will teach you how to make wordpress sidebar widgets sticky.
For our wordpress website we have many types of sidebar like right sidebar, left sidebar, top sidebar or bottom sidebar. In these sidebars we can add as many widgets like Recent Posts Widget, Archives Widget, Search Widget, Custom HTML Widget, Gallery Widget etc.
Sometimes, we needs to make our sidebar widgets sticky like sticky google ads, sticky recent posts etc. So, we can do this with the help of WordPress Plugin Q2W3 Fixed Widget for WordPress.
Uses of Q2W3 Fixed Widget For WordPress
- In sticky recent posts or popular posts
- In making fixed, sticky or floating google ads
- For fixed subscription forms in wordpress sidebar
- To make fixed search widget in wordpress
- To show any statistics in sidebar at fixed position
Just download and install this plugin. Use in your sidebar for any widgets.
Sticky Widget Plugin allows you to make your any widget sticky. After installing this plugin Go to Appearance ->Fixed Widget Options and save your desired options. If you do not want to make your sidebar widgets sticky for mobile or smaller devices. Then Inside Disable Width field enter the value 912 which will disable the sticky feature for devices less than 912px.