In this article we will teach you how to make fewer http requests in wordpress.
Some times your website may be slow due to high number of http requests because more http requests increases the server response time or dns lookup time, increases the webpage load time and increases the DOM or webpage size and also uses the user’s more internet data.
So, here below is the steps for how to make fewer http requests in wordpress and also you can reduce your dns lookups:
Step 1 – Compress, Minify and combine your website resources to make fewer http requests
Compress or Minify your website resources like CSS, Javascript and then combine your minified or compressed files into one or two files. To do this there are number of wordpress plugins like WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache, LiteSpeed Cache. Through this plugins you can also optimize or speed up your website and images.
Step 2 – Remove unused website resources
Remove unused resources like css, javascript or images from your website.
To do this you can go to your theme folder located at website_root_path\wp-content\themes\your_theme and open your header.php and footer.php file and remove the css or js files which is not useful.
And also we have created tutorial for how to remove javascript or scripts in wordpress, how to remove css or styles in wordpress you can also use these tutorials.
Also remove unused images from your wordpress posts or pages and to remove unused images from your media you can use Media Cleaner, WPS Cleaner.
Step 3 – Remove links from sidebar, widgets, header or footer
And you can also remove or disable your wordpress widgets like footer widgets or sidebar widgets, header menu links, header widgets, header links, breadcrumb links, sidebar links.
And to do this by coding you can follow this tutorial how to optimize wordpress for mobile through this tutorial you can disable or remove some modules for desktop or mobile website.
Thats it you have learned how to make fewer http requests in wordpress. And if you want more tutorials and tricks about wordpress then visit our WordPress Page and follow us on facebook, twitter, tumblr, linkdedin and if you like this article then share this.